Friday, December 30, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A feet study that I didn't post here previously

This was painted in November. Best to see it at full resolution.

19" x 12", acrylic on canvas paper.
Ref image by JonMann in DA

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Torso studies... (updated Dec 13, '11)

A3, conte

A3. conte on watercolor background

A3, water-soluble crayon base, finished with conte and pastel
Ref images for 1 - 3 by John K. (Cable9tuba in DA.)

A3, water-color base, Conte

A3, conte, pastel background
Ref images for 4 and 5 by Andy (andyf451 in DA)

A3, charcoal pencils, water-soluble pencils

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Normally, 'heads' are not supposed to be posted here..

...since the 'censors' allow me to post them elsewhere, but I thought... why not here too! So here are four head studies I did yesterday, on 11" x 10" white cartridge. Ref images were provided by Luicre (who has kindly commented on this blog) in a weekly drawing event at WC.

  Sanguine Conte. Derwent drawing pencil for background 
  8B graphite (washable). Staedtler watercolor pencil for BG.
  Black Conte. Shifted her gaze a bit 
  8B graphite and Derwent sanguine stump (also in the BG) 

Hatching and gesture...

Was exploring values with close hatching...

A3, black conte. Water-color pencil for background

A3, sanguine conte. Pastel pencil for background

A3, black conte pencil. Water-color pencil for background

Also including a couple of quick gesture studies...

A3, sanguine conte.

Basically, a gesture study with some volume...

All studies referenced from images by Marcus Ranum (mjranum in DA).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Old master studies - post 4

Another Master Study of the three graces... unfortunately, I'm unaware whom I'm studying :(

A3, sanguine conte. Watercolor pencil for background